Brewser & Monique

Soulmates & best friends. Celebration and love to you always, Brew.

As many of you know, our pets are so much more than just pets. They are family who bring us incomparable joy and unconditional love.

Brewser, a Chihuahua, was our special guy for over 17 wonderful years. I will never forget first meeting Brew. I was 17 years old and entering my senior year of high school. I had just lost a pet and was heartbroken. I came home from school, and there, under a pastel blue blanket, was the tiniest, most adorable creature I have ever seen. He was slowly and cautiously exploring his new environment. I went to go sit by him, and he climbed into my lap and started kissing my hand. It was love at first sight and from then on, we were inseparable.

We were soulmates.

Brew moved with me to Austin, TX during my college years and was my best friend and companion. When things got a little rough, he was always there to make it better. He also spent a summer with me in Dallas and was part of every major event in my life from my first real job to my wedding day. He taught me responsibility and the meaning of unconditional love.

My husband, Justin, entered his life when Brewser was 2 years old. They instantly became friends. Throughout the years, Brew had so many adventures with us and his sister, Little Bit.

Brew went through several health issues along the way such as cancer and kidney disease but he was a fighter and overcame each one. He was diagnosed with kidney disease in 2017, and we were told dogs typically last anywhere from 6 months to a year. We completely overhauled Brew’s diet and medication plan with our vet to provide him with the best care. Brew beat the odds and gave us 3 more wonderful years. Saying goodbye to Brew was the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. With the support of my husband, family, and friends, we made the decision to say goodbye on February 25, 2021 in our Austin home. With his little precious face in my hands, I kissed him goodbye and watched him leave into his next journey. He was 17 years and 7 months old.

When Brew was approaching his 16th birthday in 2019, I knew I wanted to do something to celebrate him. I came up with The Brewser Foundation as a way for his legacy to live on in our lives and help other pets along the way. Brew was a friend to all, and he was so loved by everyone.

The Brewser Foundation’s primary goal is to help provide the best care to our furry friends in honor of my first love, Brew. Our campaigns are targeted to support veterinary offices, angel funds, rescue centers, emergency pet care locations, pet care education, and all those in need of assistance to provide for their pets.

Love to you all –
Monique Messman
Founder, The Brewser Foundation